Release 2023-05-09

OS4X 3 Release 2023-05-09 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.

Current changes are:

    • OS4X adminstrative webinterface:
      • ↑ Optimized: Causes of Internet connection errors during interactive license updates are now better displayed.
      • ↑ Optimized: Spaces in SFIDs are now displayed in the correct number in the logs (important e.g. for SFIDs with several spaces instead of just one).
      • ↑ Optimized: Free text search in the partner list now also considers AS2 parameters such as station identifiers, URLs, subjects and content type.
    • OS4X Webaccess:
      • ↑ Fixed: Icons in the job detail display now correctly show the sender and recipient.
    • OS4X Core:
      • ⊕ New: Added SFID parameter in „end send“ event.
      • ⊕ Optimized: Polls with activated and performed OFTP2 Secure Authentication are displayed in the transmission log as „Secured poll“.
      • ⊕ Optimized: Adjustable elimination of Censys scanner entries in the system log.
      • ⊕ Optimized: Adjustable deactivation of directory scanner log entries with the cause „permission denied“.
      • ↑ Optimized: Faulty OFTP2 connections during the poll now show the reason for the termination better in the log.
      • ↑ Optimized: Deactivation of expired BMW and Thawte Premium CRLs.
      • ↑ Optimized: Improvement in path handling for OS4X updates (temp. directory definition may now end with a „/“).
      • ↑ Fixed: Odette TSLs are now treated with the correct time zone after expiration.
    • OS4X Enterprise:
      • ⊕ New: New configuration option for defining a host explicitly only for authentication of a web access session.
      • ↑ Optimized: Depending on the license, the automatically generated parameter data sheet now also contains information on AS2 accessibility.
      • ↑ Optimized: Log output of the „EDI add newline“ plugin now contains the source and target file size after conversion.

As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.