OS4X 3 Release 2023-05-09 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.
Current changes are:
- OS4X adminstrative webinterface:
- ↑ Optimized: Causes of Internet connection errors during interactive license updates are now better displayed.
- ↑ Optimized: Spaces in SFIDs are now displayed in the correct number in the logs (important e.g. for SFIDs with several spaces instead of just one).
- ↑ Optimized: Free text search in the partner list now also considers AS2 parameters such as station identifiers, URLs, subjects and content type.
- OS4X Webaccess:
- ↑ Fixed: Icons in the job detail display now correctly show the sender and recipient.
- OS4X Core:
- ⊕ New: Added SFID parameter in „end send“ event.
- ⊕ Optimized: Polls with activated and performed OFTP2 Secure Authentication are displayed in the transmission log as „Secured poll“.
- ⊕ Optimized: Adjustable elimination of Censys scanner entries in the system log.
- ⊕ Optimized: Adjustable deactivation of directory scanner log entries with the cause „permission denied“.
- ↑ Optimized: Faulty OFTP2 connections during the poll now show the reason for the termination better in the log.
- ↑ Optimized: Deactivation of expired BMW and Thawte Premium CRLs.
- ↑ Optimized: Improvement in path handling for OS4X updates (temp. directory definition may now end with a „/“).
- ↑ Fixed: Odette TSLs are now treated with the correct time zone after expiration.
- OS4X Enterprise:
- ⊕ New: New configuration option for defining a host explicitly only for authentication of a web access session.
- ↑ Optimized: Depending on the license, the automatically generated parameter data sheet now also contains information on AS2 accessibility.
- ↑ Optimized: Log output of the „EDI add newline“ plugin now contains the source and target file size after conversion.
- OS4X adminstrative webinterface:
As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.