Release 2021-09-27

OS4X 3 Release 2021-09-27 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.

In addition to the available platforms Linux, Windows, macOS x86 and ARMv7 (Raspberry Pi), we now also offer OS4X for macOS M1!


Current changes are:

  • OS4X Portal:
    • ⊕ New: A new configurable plugin group for „expired“ jobs has been added.
  • OS4X Docker:
    • ↑ Improved: Instead of the „healthcheck“ option in Docker Compose, the entry point of the Docker image itself now implements a waiting pause until the database server is available.
  • OS4X Webaccess:
  • OS4X Enterprise:
    • ⊕ New: The creation of receive jobs now also works with a command line program.
    • ↑ Improved: The SCP plugin now also supports authentication via key AND password at the same time!
    • ↑ Improved: The gzip plugin now requires the minimum compression level of 1.
    • ↑ Improved: The SFTP upload plugin now supports uploading with a temporary file name.
  • OS4X Core:
    • ⊕ New: The MySQL / MariaDB database connection can now be encrypted via TLS.
    • ↑ Improved: PHP version 8 support, update to the latest AdoDB version 5.21.2 (this is now also displayed under „Programs“ -> „Versions“).
  • OS4X AS2:
    • ↑ Improved: Improvement in the interpretation of multiline HTTP header variables.
    • ↑ Improved: Optimization for renaming the AS2 processes under Linux.
  • OS4X administrative web interface:
    • ⊕ New: Added button to reload the „Possible configuration problems“.
    • ↑ Improved: Configuration of OFTP2 certificates by expanding / collapsing / reloading the list.
    • ↑ Improved: Interaction with daemons via „Programs“ -> „Daemons“ and „Traffic light“ buttons at the top left (pay attention to the tooltips of the button!).
    • ↑ Fixed: Improved job detail display for jobs without XML information.

As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.