Release 2021-10-05

OS4X 3 Release 2021-10-05 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.


Interested in whether your OFTP2 system is available externally? We have the right service for this: OS4X Heartbeat!


Current changes are:

    • OS4X Webaccess:
      • ↑ Improved: In the event of an error when downloading from ext. URLs will present a clean error message.
    • OS4X Enterprise:
      • ↑ Fixed: The „% F“ parameter in the „file rename“ plugin has been corrected and now returns the original file name instead of an empty string for file names without a suffix.
    • OS4X Core:
      • ⊕ New: Directory Scanner is given the option to use the complete path for the parameter extraction of regular expressions in core enqueueing (instead of just the relative file name).
    • OS4X administrative web interface:
      • ⊕ New: Integration of the new „OS4X Heartbeat“ service to verify your external OFTP2 availability in the logs.
      • ⊕ New: Check for the current OS4X version with a note on the update when available.
      • ⊕ New: OS4X release notes are displayed in the admin GUI after the update (these can also be viewed under „Programs“ -> „Versions“ -> „Release notes“).
      • ⊕ New: PHP info available under „Support“.
      • ↑ Fixed: The progress bar in the send queue again shows the correct expected duration.
      • ↑ Fixed: Certificate display for expiration dates with fallback case optimized.
      • ↑ Fixed: Corrected the setting of the source IP address in the partner administration.

As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.