Release 2024-04-17

OS4X 3 Release 2024-04-17 can be downloaded online from the website, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.

Current changes are:

  • OS4X Enterprise:
    • ⊕ New: In the event of job cancellations, it is now possible to define and individually configure plugin groups for both incoming and outgoing jobs. Email notifications for aborted jobs become reality! 😍
    • ⊕ New: Stylish text templates for job cancellations are automatically added to every installation.
  • Administrative web interface:
    • ⊕ New: Added dynamic calculation of the maximum time until Send Queue entries are blocked in the panel (saves the hassle of calculating an integral).

    • ↑ Optimized: The info screen of an OS4Xvirtual VM shows more information.

As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.