OS4X 3 Release 2023-07-19 can be downloaded online from the website www.os4x.com/downloads, the OS4Xvirtual images and the Docker containers are updated.
Current changes are:
- OS4X adminstrative webinterface:
- ↑ Optimized: Extended dry run output from directory scanners.
- ↑ Optimized: Changed all links to online documentation to https instead of http.
- ↑ Optimized: When interacting with daemons, their name is displayed in the popup during stop/start/restart. No more „Oh dear, which daemon did I touch now“ when clicking!
- ↑ Optimized: The Linux distribution used is displayed along with the version in „Programs“ -> „Versions“ (if the information is available).
- OS4X AS2:
- ⊕ Optimized: Server-side support of the HTTP request „HEAD“ for AS2 requests behind proxy environments.
- OS4X Enterprise:
- ⊕ New: Directory scanners can now process folders with their structure into jobs. The structure is retained, if desired! This creates unique opportunities, such as:
- ⊕ New: The ZIP and Filemove plugins now support directory structures in the job! More plugins will follow as the need is requested by customers. So if you need directory structure support, please let us know.
- ⊕ New: The SCP upload plugin adds an entry to the send queue during the upload, including the progress bar, speed display and the resulting upload runtime. Also new ability: unlimited runtime (instead of 180 seconds for the timeout).
- ⊕ Optimized: Support for very large job volumes (>10,000 files).
- ⊕ Optimized: When aborting an OS4X job, if a synchronous plugin is running, it will be terminated directly (as long as the process has permission to do so) instead of waiting until the end of the last run.
- ⊕ Optimized: The ZIP plugin now has a debug option.
- ⊕ Optimized: Emoji support 😁🎉🍾 for EVERYTHING: affiliate names, files, directories, events, logs, certificates, locations, user properties,… Welcome to a world full of distracting colorful images 🤪 (this was actually necessary since there was a transfer of files with emojis in the name).
- OS4X adminstrative webinterface:
As the latest version of OS4X available, we recommend to update to this version as fast as possible.